I have a question for you. When you see a trailer of any upcoming movie do you see who is producing it? Because 2 to 3 years back it was never a big deal for me who is producing the film. I always had an interest in the actors and actresses but suddenly when my interest switched to animated movies I started to care about the production house. Most of us just know about Disney and its movies.
I came to know later on that Pixar is also a huge company that has made several animated movies. Although it is a subsidiary of Disney, you can still call it to be a separate production house. All the movies set a bar for the upcoming animated movies. Coco is also a production of Pixar. All this information will help you later in the article.
Coco 2 Release Date: Renewed or Cancelled?

Pixar has produced many animated movies which have won the hearts of the people. Coco is one of those movies. Fan following of Coco is wondering whether the second part will come or not and unfortunately there is no news from the production house. If you have heard that the second part of Coco is coming and the trailer is released then that’s totally a piece of fake news.
Every production house has a schedule for releasing a movie. They have to release one movie after the other and let me tell you that whenever the second part of a movie comes it is due to its high demand from the audience. After Coco, Pixar produced other animated movies which were scheduled, and all of them were really successful.
Preschedual does not mean that part 2 of any blockbuster movie won’t come but yes it will, of course, take time to come in the cinemas. Pixar might release part 2 of Coco if the demand increases to an extraordinary level. Let’s take a look over the story of the Coca that won the hearts. Let’s start with the name of the movie. I actually loved how they named the movie. It is not after the main character of the movie but after the name of the grand grandmother of Miguel.
Miguel is the leading role and the story revolves around his passion for music. The story started with the parents of Miguel’s grand grandmother. Her father and mother got separated. I won’t mention “why” because if you haven’t watched the movie it can ruin the whole suspense for you. The best part about these animated movies is they are for all age groups.
It is a blend of comedy, drama, and emotions. Moreover, it gives you a lesson. In Coco, we learned that family should always be supported whatever profession you choose. And we should never forget the ones who are no more with us and left this world. I hope that we learn something from Coco 2 as well whenever it releases. Coco is not available on Netflix but you can watch it on Youtube. And if you find the trailer of Coco 2 then do not play it, because they are fake and people are cashing in on Coco.
When was coco released?
Coc was released on 22nd November 2017. Since then there is no update about the 2nd part although the movie worked well at the box office and we might get news about the 2nd part at the end of 2024.
Is Coco available on Netflix?
No, Coco is unavailable on Netflix but there are many other Pixar movies that are available there. They might add coco soon.
Is Coco a sad movie?
Almost every Pixar and Disney original movie takes a sad turn at some point but the best part is the endings are always happy and they teach us a lesson as well.
Final Words
There is no update about the release of coco part 2. I won’t give you any false hopes about the second part as the storyline ended in the original movie and they left no loop so that they can extend it. Sometimes it’s better not to drag the story even if it is loved by the people. I think movies should always leave bliss so that you crave more and that is how you remember it for a long time. But who knows you might get a surprise by Pixar production and see Coco part 2 trailer at the end of 2024.