Replacing old or damaged windows can significantly increase energy efficiency and improve the appearance of your property. However, choosing the right window designs can be a challenge.
With so many options available, it can be difficult for homeowners to understand which windows are the best in their quality and price ratio.
We asked vinyllight.ca for advice. It is a leading supplier of quality windows throughout Canada, and its products and services are in good standing with consumers.
Vinyl Light Windows & Doors shared with our readers 6 key factors that should be taken into account when assessing the quality of windows replacement. From materials and insulation to warranties, Vinyl Light provides valuable information that will help you choose those products that will 100% match your needs.
Today there are 4 most popular materials for window production in the market:
wood, vinyl, aluminum and fiberglass. We will provide a bit more detail about each option to understand what is better to choose for a modern home.

Wooden windows are an immortal classic, they have been popular for decades. Such designs give an elegant look to every home and fit into both traditional and modern interiors.
This natural material is flexible and versatile, so it can be given any desired shape. Wood is also a natural insulator, so it protects against draughts and saves energy costs.
Nevertheless, this raw material has many drawbacks that make it no longer in demand, as it was just a couple of decades ago.
First, wood needs regular maintenance, which means you have to spend more time and money than you would with other materials.
Secondly, this raw material is short-lived: it can easily crack from extreme heat or rot and deform in a humid climate. If this happens, the aesthetics of design and desired energy efficiency are out of the question: cracked frames lose their attractive appearance and cause increased electricity costs.
And thirdly, wood is an expensive material. The cost of such products varies from $650 – $1,300.

If you are one of those homeowners who would like to install wood-like window systems, then your option is fiberglass.
Visually this material is very similar to wood. This is an excellent solution for homeowners who want to design their home in a classic style and at the same time be sure that their window structures will last a long time.
Unlike wood, fiberglass does not rot, crack or deform. In addition, it does not need any special care, which will allow you to reduce the cost of maintaining the windows.
Other advantages of this material include durability and excellent energy efficiency. In addition, these products are much cheaper than wood: $350 – $800.

Many homeowners choose aluminum windows because of their cheap price. Indeed, such windows are cheaper than any other option: $200-$500.
Also, aluminum windows provide a great view. Such designs usually have narrow profiles, so they let as much light as possible in the room.
However, we do not recommend products from this raw material: aluminum is a conductor of cold and heat, so any energy efficiency is out of the question. This metal is susceptible to corrosion, scratching, and condensation. It is also highly susceptible to discoloration.

If wood or wood-like structure is not essential to you, consider installing vinyl window systems. This is a modern solution that will delight you with a profitable price-quality ratio: the average cost of such models is $250-$600.
Vinyl windows do not require special care, making them a practical option for employed homeowners.
In addition, vinyl is an excellent insulator, providing comfort in the home in both hot and cold climates. It is also resistant to moisture, rotting and fading. All this makes it a great choice for those who want to install quality window systems at a reasonable price.

If you opt for vinyl windows, be sure to find out what kind of vinyl uses the brand you are interested in. The frames should not be too thin, otherwise, such windows will not be strong and energy efficient.
The thicker and heavier the vinyl, the better it is. Of course, such window frames will cost more.

It is very important to find out how the corners of your frame are welded, as the leakproofness of the entire structure depends on it.
The following options are available: shielding of corners, welding with brackets or screws, chemical welding, and traditional welding, which form a continuous connection of surfaces.
Traditional welding gives the strongest and most resistant joint, which also looks aesthetically better than fixing with braces or screws. Here you can’t even find a seam connecting the two corners – so neat it is!
Energy efficiency
To determine whether windows are energy-efficient, look for the Energy Star label, which is the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification program.
This program identifies energy-efficient products that meet certain standards. You can also find U factor and solar heat gain factor (SHGC) ratings that measure the amount of heat transmitted through the window. The lower the U factor and the SHGC, the more energy-efficient the window is.
You can improve all of these energy savings by applying Low E coating to the glass.
Opt for the models with double or triple glazing, where the space between the glass is filled with inert gas (krypton or argon). It will also increase the level of insulation.

Find out what guarantees the brand provides and what they cover.
Vinyl Light offers something even better than a lifetime warranty for its products. Here you will be offered to state all the nuances of cooperation in the contract (model, price, project implementation time, equipment, etc.) so that clients of this brand can not worry about their investments.
We have already described the average cost of window constructions made of different materials.
Vinyl is one of the most affordable options, but we recommend not chasing the lowest price to not buy low-quality products.
The cost of such products is affected by the size of window systems, model, type of glazing, the presence of additional decor, fittings, color and other characteristics.
To not worry about the quality of such products, contact Vinyl Light Windows & Doors. Here you will be helped to choose a high-quality and reliable option that will decorate your house and justify all investments!