Nowadays, it is not easy to keep up with new skincare products. Even if you are a skincare enthusiast, you will probably agree that we are continuously bombarded with new products and new information that we do not know if are true or false. You’ve probably seen a million times so far that a product says it’s organic, but you couldn’t (i.e., know) to check if that was true. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or use some cosmetic products on children, you want to be 100% sure to use only natural, organic and safe products. But how to tell if a skincare product is really organic? Let’s find out.
Why is it important to know that a certain skincare product is organic?

If you take care of which products you use for skincare and try to make them exclusively products obtained from natural, organic ingredients. What the quote “organic” offers is the knowledge that all ingredients are “clean”, ie. no toxic pesticides or other chemicals were used in their cultivation. Also, it means that none of the ingredients are obtained by genetic engineering, which is crucial for people who try to avoid genetically modified food and skincare products.
One more thing: if you were wondering if the content of the product itself corresponds to what is written on the list of ingredients, you will be glad to know that the organic certificate ensures that there are no fake or hidden ingredients.
Considering that the process of organic certification is very time and money required, it should be clear to you that the manufacturers who are trying to get an organic certificate really care about their users, which is very commendable.
How manufacturers use “organic” labels to attract customers
One of the things you need to be aware of is that various cosmetic manufacturers often state that their products are organic, even though this is not actually true. How is it possible? Well, that sometimes just happens, mostly when no one is watching. We’re not saying it’s fair, but it’s a reality and that’s why it’s crucial to keep that in mind when deciding which products to use.
If a company does not have an organic certificate, the fact that it says “organic” on the labels means absolutely nothing. If you are wondering why cosmetic companies do this, the reason is very simple and logical: to attract more customers and make more profit. Various studies have shown that people are much more motivated to buy a product when they show a tendency to be organic. Therefore, adding such labels to the product name or to the label can have a significant impact on how the product will look in the eyes of the consumer and whether they will decide to buy it.
Always make sure that the product has gone through organic certification because that indicates that the ingredients are really of organic origin and meet important criteria.
If you are confused and not sure if a product is organic or not, at naturalremedyideas you can find great recommendations for natural, organic products and be 100% sure that the product meets your criteria.
How to tell if a skincare product is really organic?

If you want to make sure that the skincare product is really organic, it is necessary to find the symbol of the organic certifying agency on the product packaging. If it is not there, it is probably a sign that the product is not organic, even if there are some other allegations related to the organic origin of the ingredients. Only a product that has gone through organic certification can guarantee that its ingredients are truly organic.
How do you recognize that a product is being falsely advertised as organic?
Let’s say that you see that the packaging says that the product is organic, and you can not find the symbol of organic certifying agency. That almost always means that the product is falsely advertised. This word itself means nothing if there is no additional evidence that the product has actually gone through the certification process and received confirmation that the ingredients are organic.
In case the statement on the packaging that the product is made from ingredients that are 100% of natural origin is the only thing that indicates that the product is organic, be careful. The same story applies here as before. Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, manufacturers can really label their product however they want, even if it is not supported by any evidence. Sad but true. That is why you do not believe everything that is written on the product, but look for proof that what is written is true. Because often it is not!
Is organic always better?

And for the end, it remains to answer the question: is organic always better? In short, our answer would be no. And the FDA agrees with that answer. Keep in mind that some ingredients are not good for the skin, regardless of the method of cultivation and their origin. People whose skin is sensitive to essential oils will develop irritation, itching or allergies, regardless of whether the essential oils are organic or not. The same goes for many other ingredients. Sometimes the statement “organic” can indicate safety from the point of view of the absence of pesticides and other harmful factors, but do not forget that toxic or irritating ingredients can be found in plants together with useful ingredients. Just because something is organic doesn’t mean it automatically pleases your skin and won’t lead to side effects. Dermavel is one of the websites which can help you out spotting those side-effects easily.
There are so many new skin care products and new information on the market these days that it’s hard to keep up with all of this. One of the questions that confuses consumers the most is whether a product is really organic if its packaging says so. The only confirmation that the ingredients of a skin care product are of natural origin is that the product has completed the organic certifying process and received a certificate. Lastly, keep in mind that organic is not always better and that your main goal should be to find what suits your skin and makes you feel good. The origin is of secondary importance.