You shared countless hours together, you trained academically and as people, and you have spent years without knowing anything about each other. It’s about schoolmates, with whom we thought we would be friends forever but time ended up separating us. And there’s nothing better for rekindling than a reunion where you can catch up and find out how things went in the last couple of years.
If you are planning a high school reunion, the following tips will really be helpful.
1. Time heals all possible quarrels, especially if they happened when we were young. So, one of the most important premises is to invite everyone in the class or course to our high school reunion, with no exceptions. Later, each one will decide if they want to attend or not.
To invite every single person, we can, on the one hand, go to our school and ask for a list of all the students in the year that we need or look in a yearbook or photograph of a special day – such as the end-of-year party- in which everyone got captured.

2. Once we are clear about who we have to contact, social networks will be of great help to us. Before, it was almost an impossible mission to find all the students, but with platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter we have a lot to gain.
Although it is clear that some of them will not have a profile on the networks, we can count on the help of students who do have one to get their telephone numbers or contacts.
Besides, you can also use Nuwber. Type in the name of the person you’re looking for and find their contact details.
3. Next, the most advisable thing to do would be to create a WhatsApp or Facebook group to work out the details of the high school meeting. The most important thing is to find a place to hold it: you have to look for a place where, in addition to being able to snack on something, you can dance and have some activities. The place must be spacious enough to gather everyone.

4. With regard to food and drinks, the most suitable option would be a catering service. When choosing it, keep in mind that there may be a vegetarian in the room and also people with cholesterol problems, so ask for a variety for all tastes, states and preferences.
Same with drinking. In this aspect, you must make a calculation of the rent of the room plus what is going to be consumed so that the attendees pay a ticket. You can combine everything or separate the drinks, which are paid separately according to what each one consumes.
5. There are only three more details left: how to organize the tables, the music you will put on – which can be a compilation of your time in high school, and photos of when you went to class together.
This last point (photos) will be one of the funniest since you will see how you have changed over the years – and surely, for the better. Ask the group to send you their snapshots in advance so you can put together a fun video. Keep in mind that you will need to have a projector to show it, so find a venue that has one.
A different kind of reunion:

Especially if you are regularly invited to high-class reunions, it can get a bit boring after a while to always resort to game or film evenings. That’s why you’ll find some more creative ideas below that will bring more momentum back into the round.
- Restaurant: A visit to the restaurant is a relatively safe and classic option for the high school reunion. This gives you the opportunity to chat and share with each other. A visit to a bar would be a bit more informal, but similar in principle.
- Game Night: Game night is a great way to lighten the mood. You can also include quizzes, get-to-know-you games, or create your own quizzes or bingos based on your school history together.
- Field Trips: Field trips are a great way to reconnect the class and create new memories. Whether hiking, city tours, or vineyard tastings – depending on your mood or depending on the season, there are many activities to offer. You can also visit places that you used to visit as a class.
- Theme party: A theme party isn’t for everyone, but it can still be a lot of fun. For example, dress up in the style of your former teachers or classmates. A theme party from a specific year is also an option here. For more atmosphere, you shouldn’t leave it at the disguise, but have the entire meeting under the same motto.
- Deja vu reunion: Similar to the theme party, it can also be fun to experience the class reunion as a deja vu. Take on a special experience such as the prom or the high school trip and design the class reunion after this experience.
- Meeting up with friends: Especially when you have a very good relationship with your former classmates, there is often no need for an organized party. Think of it as a get-together among friends: have a barbecue, go to a lake, or go skiing. Take sleigh rides or walks or cook for each other. Depending on the season, there are no limits to your imagination.
Depending on how regularly your class reunions take place, you can vary and expand the ideas a little. The better you know each other, the easier it is to come up with something.
When you meet again for the first time in years, you should better keep your hands off delicate ideas. At such reunions, getting to know each other again is usually more on the agenda. The above-given ideas are well suited for this.
With these steps, ideas, and tips, you will surely be able to put on a high school reunion. It will give you a bit of work, but it sure pays off. You can ask your classmates for help and surely more than one will get involved with you.